Starting tomorrow we'll be doing push ups. 100 of them. Or trying to. And posting our progress and results in twitter with the hash tag #100friday.
Javier Gomez, triathlete coach, world famous triathlete and founder of Operation Ironman instigated this. We used to all so this on Wednesdays, last summer, but it fell off over the winter. Coach Javier is a bad ass.
SpeedySasquatch will most likely be doing #300friday. I think he says anything over 100 is called a Spartan. Whatever, i gave up trying to keep up with him.
Gusano82, who I know from triscoop, is joining in.
You can play too. Just log onto twitter and post when you're done, with the hash tag #100friday.
Oh, its not just dudes. There's a couple of womans who will probably give it a go, including SKDickey and holisticguru.
So the goal is 100 push ups durin the day friday. If you cannot do 100, do your max and work from there. Personally I will shoot to have my 100 done before 7AM . Great way to start the day. Post a comment here and join in.